Friday, September 11, 2015
" 受伤的眼睛 疼痛的鼻子 干燥的喉咙 The injured eyes noses throats "
Recently, the air pollution index continuously increase

"We can spill out some water, when the water evaporates, the air pollution index will drop."I said.

"It is in vain ,just a person do it, you think that you can help to change what?" my family answered me.

对呀 能有什么帮助
It's right  didn't help to change anything

有些事 就应该一群人做的
Something  It should be a group of people do it

Sometime i feel that human is very ridiculous

Never  appreciate

这一切 这环境 给的是多么的应该
Everything  include surrounding  as it is supposed to be given

在抱怨 却又不行动
instead of complaining about what's wrong

抱怨 哟 这天气 都是烧森林弄的 就不明白了 烧什么烧啊
Hey  what the damn weather  why always burn the forest   incomprehension why they burn it

Then themselves burn the leaves outside house

呵呵 可笑 真可笑
Haha ridiculous  very ridiculous

到头来 受伤的到头来还是 人类
In the end  be injured is  human

珍惜吧 感恩吧 人类
Cherish it  Be grateful   Human

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